L’Italie s’invite à votre table : PONTE VILONI…
Vin rouge frappé du sceau de l’Italie dont il se reclame fièrement être l’un des dignes ambassadeur.
Vin vieilli sur bois et élaboré à partir des trois cépages italiens typiques : Primitivo, Nero di Troya et Sangiovese. Ponte Villoni est un vin juteux et soyeux aux tanins souples.
Sa bouteille épaisse et son creu particulièrement profond imposent le respect et la prestance…
Italy invites itself to your table: PONTE VILONI …
Red wine struck with the seal of Italy which he proudly claims to be one of the worthy ambassadors.
Wine aged on wood and made from three typical Italian grape varieties: Primitivo, Nero di Troya and Sangiovese. Ponte Villoni is a juicy and silky wine with supple tannins.
Its thick bottle and particularly deep crust command respect and presence …
Red wine struck with the seal of Italy which he proudly claims to be one of the worthy ambassadors.
Wine aged on wood and made from three typical Italian grape varieties: Primitivo, Nero di Troya and Sangiovese. Ponte Villoni is a juicy and silky wine with supple tannins.
Its thick bottle and particularly deep crust command respect and presence …